Point to Point 2024

Date: August 10th, 2024
Time: Check-in/Registration from 10-11am - Race Begins 12 Noon
Location: Seaspray Beach, Ocean City


Starts will be individually timed. One boat will launch every 30 second interval until all boats are underway. Depending on conditions, we may switch this to 60 second intervals.

Boats will round GREEN channel marker #3 to PORT before heading in the inlet and under the bridge. Following this, they will choose their own route to TOWER 1 (Southernmost Tower Surrounded by Water, inland of Parkway Bridge) and round to PORT.

Following TOWER 1 rounding, boats will round a marked buoy directly off Point Sailing’s beach location to STARBOARD before beaching between a flag and the bulkhead. Times will be recorded and paused during this 15-30 minute mandatory stop. Take a break, eat your lunch, have a refreshment (provided).

Following the stop, boats will re-launch in the same order as they arrived, in 30 second intervals, and their times will resume. Upon leaving the beach, all boats will choose their own route back to and out the inlet, and round GREEN channel marker #3 again, this time to STARBOARD before finishing on Seaspray Beach.